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11 MAY 2010: Save the Children’s 1 Day for 1 GOAL

1GOAL will inspire the public to support and get behind the key message of education for all .

1GOAL is a campaign which seizes the power of football to make education for all a lasting impact of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. 1GOAL is collecting the names of supporters, members of the public, footballers and celebrities, to make a united plea to all governments to meet their target on 'Education for All'.

We support the footballers and their fans in calling on all world leaders to do their part to ensure every child can go to school. We need to see action at the World Cup and beyond. By acting now, together we can ensure education for all. ~ President Jacob Zuma, South Africa Host, 2010 FIFA World Cup

Save the Children will be holding events and activities around the world to bring attention and media coverage to 1GOAL. Save the Children UK and South Africa have got the proverbial ball rolling with a number of events planned for 11 May including the appearance of an SA footballer at a Save the Children programme in Free State, Johannesburg.

Check out the 1GOAL website: www.join1goal.org.


About “Education for All”:

“Education for All”: is the international commitment signed up to by 164 world leaders to provide good quality public education to all children and adults by 2015. The commitment includes getting those who are currently missing out on an education into school, and making sure once in school they have the proper chance to learn with qualified teachers. The goals also include providing adults who have missed out on receiving an education, with the chance to read and write.